Wednesday, July 30, 2008

The Bike

I remember the first time I was able to ride a bike (men 3'eer sannadat). It was in nady el Seed and I was 10 years old. My cousin was like 6. He spent a whole summer teasing me that although he was younger, he could ride the bike and I couldn't because I am a girl. I remember quite well that I had many trials, bumps and many falls. But I had enough of the teasing essara7a. He was generous enough to help me learn (imagine!). The trick my cousin claimed was in the speed. "law mesheety bel 3agala besor3a awy, mesh hatl7a2y to2a3y". So he lend me his bike and watched me fall off one time after the other after the other after the other. It was a pretty long exhausting day, my cousin had a lot of laughs and he insisted to show off a couple of times just to show me how to ride the bike.

Until it was the end of the day, like about 12 beleel. I remember because all the grown ups were tired and they wanted to go home. "7'amas da2aye2 bass ya baba.", I said. And I was granted my wish. They weren't really watching, they saw me fall off many times already. They just waited by the side of the walking track the five extra minutes. So I did the same thing I have been doing ba2aly 6 hours: Sitting on the bike, running with my legs so that the bike could gain some speed and then I would peddle from there when it was fast enough not fall. That was my plan. Suddenly it worked. I peddled and peddled, I was going pretty fast. I remember hearing my cousin from behind running"yalla besor3a..yalla kaman". I was ecstatic. A sense of achievement and happiness that was not disrupted by fear or pain. Finally it paid off. Finally I could sense the evening refreshing breeze on my face. I wasn't laughing, but I was smiling while concentrating on the road but mostly concentrating on recording the memory. All I have to do is keep peddling. Until I was hit by the sudden of thought of not knowing how to stop. How am I going to stop the bike? If I stopped peddling I will definitly lose the accelration but eventually I will fall off. Fair enough. So I lifted my feet from the peddle, closed my eyes and decided not to fall off gracefuly. As if to add drama for the day.

The moment I fell off the bike, I started laughing hysterically. My cousin came up and said "mawa2fteesh leh el 3agala berra7a?". I replied that I did that intentionally. "Shofteny kont bagry bel 3agala besor3a ezzay??". Cousin smiled while checking his bike and said "ah shoftek, ana kont waraky 3ala tool." I was proud of myself. Our parents are like so far away now. I can see them watching. But I could not see if they were smiling. I looked at the distance of the road back and bragged again"yaaah..dana mesheet bel 3agala keteer awy"And now I have to walk the distance back because I wasn't sure if I was able to ride the bike again, and my cousin already dediced that it would be his way of transportation back. But walking wasn't fast enough. I ran. I ran after him. With a proud smile on my face.

P.S: After that incident I spent sometime learning how to go left and right with the bike. It was about 3 weeks and I was able to go a whole circle around myself without falling off.

The 5 Things

The 5 things I want to change about myself:

1- My complaining rate
2- My continuous fear from the future
3- My laziness
4- My inconsistent/self-contradicting attitude
5- My time wasting habits

The 5 things people tell me to change:
1- My aggressiveness
2- My short-termed memory loss.
3- My attention span
4- My selfishness
5- My inconsistent/self-contradicting attitude

The 5 things I want to keep:

1- My determination
2- My sense of humor.
3- My healthy diet habits
4- My big dreams
5- My faith/religious beliefs

The 5 things people say I must keep:

1- My determination
2- My creativity
3- My smile.
4- My ability to support/help someone to regain hope in themselves
5- N/A

Monday, July 28, 2008

واحة الحيرانين

I have been humming the lyrics for quite some time now. When I was a small kid, I never understood a word of it. Now it feels like discovering something new that also triggers nostalgia!

منين بيجي الشجن
من اختلاف الزمن
ومنين بيجي الهوى
من اختلاف الهوى
ومنين بيجي السواد
من الطمع والعناد
ومنين بيجي الرضا
من الايمان بالقضا

من انكسار الروح في دوح الوطن
يجي احتضار الشوق في سجن البدن
من اختمار الحلم يجي النهار
يعود غريب الدار لـ أهل وسكن

ليه يا زمان ما سبتناش أبرياء
وواخدنا ليه في طريق ما منوش رجوع
أقسى همومنا يفجر السخرية
وأصفى ضحكة تتوه في بحر الدموع

منين بيجي الشجن من
اختلاف الزمن
ومنين بيجي الهوى من
اختلاف الهوى
ومنين بيجي السواد من
الطمع والعناد
ومنين بيجي الرضا من
الايمان بالقضا

ولفين ياخدنا الأنين
لليالي ما الهاش عينين
ولفين ياخدنا الحنين

ما تسرسبيش يا سنيننا من بين ايدينا
ولا تنتهيش ده احنا يا دوبابتدينا
واللى له أول بكرة حيبان له آخر
وبكرة تفرج مهما ضاقت علينا

ولفين ياخدنا الأنين
لليالي ما الهاش عينين
ولفين ياخدناالحنين
لواحة الحيرانين

Mood: Cynical

أنا مش بفهم ليه ساعات حد يبدأ التدوينة ب "وحشتووني جداجدا و اسف على التأخير و يا رب متكونوش قلقتوا عليا عشان أنا معلش كنت مشغول/ مسافر / بلعب كورة لوش الفجر/ متخانق مع جيراني على توصيلة النت". أولا لا أحد يكترث(نو بودي كيرز) عن انشغلاتك الا اذا كنت فعلا لعيب كورة في الاهلي أو الزمالك. ثانيا احنا وحشناك ازاي و انت متعرفش حد فينا يا بلوجر يا مفتري/مفترية ولا هو كلام ناس حافظة و مش فاهمة ثالثا بقى اكيد عمر ما حد حيقلق عليك عشان اصلا كل واحد فيه اللي مكفيه و اكيد محدش فاتح النت و قاعد مستني قدام البروسر ان حضرتك تتعطف علينا ببوست صغير تطمنا فيه عليك و عن أحوالك

اللي يقعد على النت ياما يشوف

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Roots and Homes

Inspired by Roba's Post with the Same Title
Where My father was Born:


Where My mother was Born:

Sudan, Khartoum

Where They met:

KSA, Madina

Where I was born:

Egypt, Giza

Where I lived my first years of Childhood:

KSA, Jeddah

Where I lived my teen life:

KSA, Riyadh

Where I went to college:

Egypt, Cairo University

Which other countries I've been to:

UAE, Dubai


Where I want to spend the rest of my life:


Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Ignore it.

Sometimes, the only way to deal with pain or fear is to ignore it.Not accept it, not embrace it, not try understand it, but completely ignore it as if it is not there.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Quick Movie Review

I never thought that the day would come in which I would tear up in an Ahmed Helmy movie. I loved it! If you ever go, don't judge the movie till its end. Even at the break you would feel that the movie hasn't started yet. At first,You get a few laughs, the usual ahmed-helmy feel, but you really wish from your heart that they start the damn movie. I remember whispering to my sister "Ana mesh 3arfa howa esm el film aasef 3ala el ez3ag leh, dah mafeesh ez3ag 7'ales fel film le daraget ennoh lessa mabada2sh!".

Bass it all starts when you go get your coke refill in the break and sit down for the second half..An an an aaaan!

Waiting for The Dark Knight :)

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Speaking of traffic

Starting Friday 1/8/2008, Egyptian traffic nightmares will be history!Apparently, Egyptian geniuses had this one thought out really well. The best way to overcome bad traffic is to perform a make-over to the old one..and here you go! Stricter rules, higher penalties, and overrated punishments seemed to be the best things they came up with. For example, no parking second line is allowed and those who do so, will be extremely punished. Well, It is rather annoying that people park their cars and pack up streets like that, but I seriously don't think they have any choice. Another example is having first aid boxes that must be available in cars all time. Yes that's right, that will solve the problem. I don't underestimate the importance of first-aid in emergency cases, but what I am saying is that we are not in a culture that was raised to know the basic rules of first aid. I know I don't. Maybe I should, but still that won't solve the problem.
Then once again el7ezam! That is given the assumption that cars move any faster than 30 Km/hr.

On a deeper level, giving helpless traffic regulators officers the power to threaten the people with tickets that are worth thousands of egyptian pounds, is a very disturbing thought. I believe it encourages bribery and blackmail. We all know exactly how the new law is going to be practiced. We will rather hear a lot more "koll sana wenta tayeb ya beeh".

And one more thing!

I forgot to mention that Dee knows Spinneys by heart (walla was it like her first name?). El mohem she strolls around the aisles like it is home and she actually knows where each and every section is. She knows which fridges work best and have the coldest water, and which are safe to keep in her Fairoz sodas so that she could come back later to get them when they are cold. Dee actually referred to Spinneys as "El Dar Amaan". She might not know all the staff though. But I think she deliberately does not want to either! Whenever you are in Spinneys, there is a 72% chance that you would bump into Dee.. (At least I did).

I remember that day I bumped into her fe Spinneys! We had a job fair held by faculties of computers and information from all Egypt, many graduates came from all over to drop in their CVs and have stand-up interviews. It was held in the intercontinental City Stars. We were all excited about it w beta3. I then went with a friend to check for laptops (3ashan 7'alas ba2a keberna w bet3ona enharo men el misuse), when I bumped into Dee in her Jeans w kanet lessa me7'allasa "The Simpsons" w ra7et tegeeb Fairoz bardo. Ironically, Dee was the first to get a job (that she hated later) in our dof3a!


Monday, July 14, 2008

On the first day of Christmas,

Warning: This is a blog post that might make you think: huh?!

These are some stuff I learned a couple of days ago:
- Good Traffic is not always a good thing.
- Sometimes you need to live "around the edge".
- I need air-headed friends. 7aga keda style "Clueless" or I-wish-I-had-brains kinda people.
- How it feels to sing "12 Days of Christmas" at the top of your longs, while the heat of July is slapping your face because your friend is enjoying 6th October bridge el fady.
- Wondering what it would feel if we make faces at people at the other side of the 6th October Bridge just to make them feel worse that they are stuck at traffic and we are not.
- There is a one letter difference between Died and Diet.
- One good thing about you being dead, you don't need to do a diet, the weight will drop off any way.
- There is a subtle relationship between Micheal Jackson and a famous Egyptian Celebrity.
- The best selling song of all times according to Nile FM is: "A little less conversation". It is about 12 tam long. (tam= Turns Around elMedan)
- Jean-Pierre hates 7'aled Mattar. There are also many hate groups on facebook.
-7'aled mattar has a very unique fake British accent. You cAnt miss.
- If I ever applied to American Idol, I would probably be one of those who would crack you up laughing while wondering why do some people love to make a joke out of themselves on international TV. I will lose all the way.No matter what I sing, even if it is as slow as "I cant get no- sat -is -fact -ion". And I will lose, no matter what I wear, whether it is a cowboy-ish outfit or like a ballerina. and I will lose when I try to match the two styles together.
- There is exactly 45 steps between Spinneys and Compume. Going back and forth between them both is not very interesting, unlesss you like to annoy people who work there.
Me(asking a CompuMe staff): Law sama7ty, 3andoko gift certificates?
Me: Then why are you following us?
- I have too many purposes for living. They all fit perfectly. And it is starting to get on my nerves. Complaining is not one of them though.
- Sometimes getting a gift for a newly wed friend who is very flexible and would be glad if you got her something as cheerful as cookies AND having 2 very practical,cut-the-crap shoppers to help you out is not as easy as it sounds.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Yet Another Post About Me.

It was about 2 weeks ago. We were sitting in college, me and her, waiting for the pre-masters project evaluation to be decided. She is colleague. She was a close witness of my pre-masters drama and she suddenly started the following dialog:

Her: 3ala fekra enty a3'rab sha7'sya shofataha fe 7ayaty, w 7assa enny akeed mesh ha2abel wa7da zayek .
Me(was reading the kite runner, lift my head up in surprise):Na3am?
Her: Aywa, enty ensana 3'areeba geddan..ana 3omry mashoft keda..
Me(Smiling): What makes you say that?
Her: feeky 7agat keteer mesh rakba 3ala ba3d..ya3ny ana 3omry ma shoft wa7da friendly geddan w aggressive fe nafs el wa2t..Enty ezzay kda? Ezzay betb2y mabsoota awy marra wa7da w fag2a te2leby?
Her: hehe. Mesh 3arfa..bass 3ady ya..
Her: La2 mesh 3ady..enty sa3at bet3assbeeny geddan, w sa3at mesh betfre2 ma3aky enty bet2ooly el kalam dah lemeen..enty 3arfa el nass betsta7melek leh?
Me: leh?
Her: 3ashan bet7ebbek..aywa, enty law 7'serty 7add 3ashan el taree2a beta3etek lamma betet3assaby, hatbatly te3mely keda..bass 3ashan enty lamma betb2y mabsoota betb2y kwayesa awy, fal nass betesta7melek..
Me: Don't forget that it costs me alot of apologies. Mama dayman te2olly enty hate3tezry keteer fe 7ayatek..
Her: la2 w eh..lamma teb2y farfoosha w beta3..ya salaaaam..bet7'ally el wa7ed tayer men el far7a..ya3ny moodek beybhat 3ala elly 7awaleeky..
Me: fakkarteeny be baba, dayman lamma kan yet3assab ye2olly enty el sabab..
Her: la2 w mesh keda w bass..ana 3omry fe 7ayaty ma shoft 7add ye7ebb ye2agel el 7aga le a7'er el wa2t, w ye7ebb ennaha tetla3 100% perfect..
Me: deh lel asaf 7aga betet3ebny fe 7ayaty, bass it works!
Her: elly ana mest3'arbaloh, ennek bet7ebby te2aggly el 7aga..mesh betetzen2y maslan..la2 enty elly bet2aggely be mazagek..wel fel a7'er bet3rafy tetala3y el 7aga zay el foll..
Me: dah satr men Rabbena..
Her: la2 bass enty sha7'sytek 3'areeba..enty fe3lan be kaza sha7'sya, wel wa7ed lazem ye3mel 7esaboh 3ala keda..
Me: ew3y tekoony shayla menny wala 7aga..
Her: La2 7'alas..manty e3tazarty.
Me(Laughing): tab tamam keda..
Her: w e7keely ba2a ennek bet3'ayry ra2yek 17 marra fel sanya..ha3mel kaza, la2 mesh ha3mel, la2 ha3mel..erkazy keda ya mama..
Me: w ba3deeen ba2aaaa..a3mel eh fe nafsy tayeb.
Her: enty lazem tet3'yary..
Me:(giggling) 7adher..
Her: la2 begad, lazem te3'ary men nafsek..
Me:(impatiently) 7'alas..weslet..moken ba2a akkamel eraya 3ashan ashoof el ragel maat walla la2a?
Her: aho shofty alabty ezzay!
Me: la alabt wala 7aga..bass 7adher hab2a ashoof mawdoo3 a3'yar men nafsy dah..

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

For you a thousand times over

There is only one sin, only one. And that is theft. Every other sin is a variation of theft. Do you understand that?When you kill a man, you steal a life. You steal his wife’s right to a husband, rob his children of a father.When you tell a lie, you steal someone’s right to the truth.When you cheat, you steal the right to fairness. Do you see?

-- Baba Sahib in The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseny

The Secret? More Like The Crap

You know how this movie/book "The Secret" divided people into strictly strong believers of the concept behind it and others into believers of the fact this is just a load of crap? I belong to the second group of people. Allak laws of attraction aal.

Actually the basic idea is quite "impressive" if I must say. You could easily "fall for it": Think positively about what you want, surrender to the universe,(some crap about raising our consciousness level ), then POOF!, the "universe" will send you what you asked for.
Let it be a job, a car, a child, a wife, love or even a cup of coffee. The universe will send it to you.
What do we say in arabic? مكنش حد غلب
Then to patch all the holes in the story, and to defend their mechanism against people who say it doesn't work. They go on and tell you how you must not ask for something in "I WANT IT I WANT IT I WANT IT" way, but rather in one cool strong "I WANT IT" and then stop worrying about it. tab3an tab3an. Then you should try to love yourself, and forgive others while your at it. If it doesn't work? Then you have to let it go..don't wait for it to happen..inhale..forgive..exhale..thats' right.See..just a couple of years and hard work, and the job you've always wanted will come crawling to your feet.

The only thing I agree with and it is definitely something many people had told us about and it is not exclusive to the book is: The power of positive thinking. That is not a secret. We all know that. We all know that positive thinking makes you more content about yourself. We all know that positive thinking will help you even see the good in whatever bad goes your way.

I know that "the secret" is exposed and it is already old by now. But I was lazily watching a re-run for Oprah yesterday and it got on my nerves seeing all these PhD attained women so full of themselves selling this crap to people. Every time I see Oprah I remember why I wasn't watching for a long time.

Saturday, July 05, 2008

Grief in a Scarred Heart.

Right now my heart is aching. My deep feeling of pain and sorrow is beyond my capability of expressiveness. Life seems surreal and many things are suddenly out of proportion, while other stuff re-gained importance. Nothing has such an effect on our perspective of life like death.

There is no other way to put forth the bad news that some readers might already know except just saying it: My boss lost his 3 kids (ages ranging from 14 to 2) in a car accident last Thursday. They were heading for a weekend escape and Allah's will interfered with what they had planned. Miraculously, both my boss and his wife are in perfect shape. But of course not quite so. I can not comprehend or imagine what they must be feeling right now. Although I have been subconsciously trying to.

So the last three nights I was sleepless. I am never sleepless unless an earthquake hits. I kept on tossing and turning while my mind is slowly taking in the news. My mind was also searching for an explanation for what happened. Praying God to show those parents mercy and the wisdom behind His act.

Going to the funeral yesterday, was also a hard yet enlightening thing. I walked in a room full of tears, and saddness like it is in the air. But I have told myself that I will probably know the mother by being the one crying the most. And I was very wrong. I found her holding on more than I could ever imagine. Even capable of answering back what people have to say and thank them for coming. She like an angel. I found her not even "motamaska" but more of "mo2mena" be qadaa2 Allah. I heard my mom whispering in my ears "deh omm Rabbena estafaha begad. Deh akeed feeha 7aga mo7'talefa".

Although I already know a lot of people already praying for them,I ask readers to include those parents and their childern in your prayer. They need each and every one.