Monday, October 29, 2007

Feeh Baytena Teenager

I am the eldest of2 other sisters. One of them is the one I constantly refer to in my blog, the one that is more girlish than I am and of course a lot sweeter!

I have another sister, the one whom this entry is entirely dedicated for. She is 14 years old. A typical teenager. She reminds me of myself ALOT when i was her age. carbon-copy that is. Deee also claims that she was so much like my sister when she was her age.

Being a teenager and all that, she is very concerned about her privacy, she doesn't tell us any of her passwords(3andena fel beet its not a password wala 7aga ..its just a "word"), she doesn't sign in automatically, and we should never be anywhere near the screen when she is chatting with her friends or anywhere near the room where she is talking on the phone.
She listens to the weirdest music. She rarely shares with us any of her problems or concerns in school or with friends. I am not saying she NEVER does. She occasionally does.
She is a terrible liar. She gets caught easily. That's why she doesnt tell. She simply says "mesh 3ayza mekkasela a2ool". She is not doing anything wrong. She just wants to be left alone.

Don't get me wrong, she is a very wel raised sweet little girl. I am just concerned about her insecurities at that age and the way she deals with them.

One thing I am very proud of in her is that she reads Harry Potter like she is addicted. She watched 1-5 as movies and then read 6 and 7 and now she is reading backwards starting from part 5 and decending.

I told dee once, "Dee, ana ba7'aaf 3aleeha awy w mesh 3arfa a3mel ma3aha eh..sa3at lamma bakkalem ma3aha i turn into a mom and tell her e3mely keda w keda 3'alat"

Dee told me," sa7beeha ya gjoe, go out with her and do things together"..
and guess what, I decided our "common activity" to be me helping her in her studies.
How convenient and how very stupid of me.

My real concern: My sister has that sweetest heart and the kindest soul. She would do anything for her friends. I am very concerned that she be-friends the wrong people someday. She is the best of her friends and I dont her to be influenced by them. I am not her mom, and definitely mesh ha2a3adaha gamby, bass I wish her the best in her life and future. I dont want her to feel anything less than great.
When I was a teenager, I was a Kol3eeka-Tamshy-3ala-El-Ard. It has passed el7amdolelah. And I know that part of being a teenager is being wild, rule-breaker, and with a turbulent mood.

But being a teenager once isnt helping me now..still most of the time I feel I don't know what to do!

Any ideas?


Fadfadation said...



leh keda bas?!

It seems that girls in teenage are worse than boys. I mean they seem to be more insecure and want moer privacy.

Guys on the other hand, just want to spend as much time away from family as possible.

Another thing guys do (which is very scary), is that they have this "I will try anything for the sake of trying" mood.

Rabena yestor...i have 2 boys!


Gihan said...

Rabbena yostor isA ya Fad,

Every time we see a car passing by like lightning with the loudest stereo sound, my mom has to say,"El7amdolellah Ya Rabby enny magebtesh welad"..

Ana olt attamenak bass :)

Fadfadation said...

Allah yetamenek

Fadfadation said...


Anonymous said...

I like "khofek elshadeed" 3ala ur sis..Don worry awy keda..
I think she'll pass this juncture in her life(juncture in anyone else,not ur sis only), because rabena msh beyseeb 7ad tayeb as u said about Deee..

Anonymous said...

sorry ya Gjoe kanet honak ghalta matb3eya..this is my comment after update:

I like "khofek elshadeed" 3ala ur sis..Don worry awy keda..
I think she'll pass this juncture in her life(juncture in anyone else,not ur sis only), because rabena msh beyseeb 7ad tayeb as u said about ur sis..