Saturday, September 16, 2006

Thank God For..

Being a muslim

Being a gurl

Being an Egyptian

Having Brains

Speaking Out

Seeing Behind Things

Having My Family






Summer Time

Winter Time

Bed Time



Thanks God for NOT:

Being Blonde

Being a Racist :P

Having double faced freinds

Being shorter

Being in an illegal relationship

Being Blind

Being a genius

Being Handicapped

Taking everything for granted(ok, i take some for granted)

Suffering from Amnesia

Suffering from Any Kind Of Chronic Pain


Being Ignorant

Living at any other time but now.
I Ask God For:

Moving to a Quiter Place

A Rank

A good job

Having Perferct Teeth

Being Athletic

An hour more each day

Peace of Mind

Being able to really HELP people

Happiness for my Family

Dreams Coming true for my Freinds

More Faith

Relieved :)

Thursday, September 14, 2006


ana 7assa eny ma7'noo2a..
w ma7desh fahmny
w mesh 3aya akkalem 7add..
w mesh 3ayza 7add yesm3ny

tab leh? leeh mab2aash mabsoota?w mafeesh 7aga tedaye2..?
leh mab2ash far7ana w mafeesh 7aga teza3al?!
is there happiness on earth?
or is it an evelasting pursue that has no end?


ppl what's up with u!?

malhom keda ma7desh taye2 el tany w a3deen le ba3d 3ala el wa7da?

y does the world, so big, seems to be overwhelmed by all the suffer,pain, agony, misery and troublesome caused by people to one another?

World, Take a deep breath ..*IN* slowy *Out*...much better :)

give ur self a rest and give others a break,and a shower wont harm too!